Episode #76: Coronavirus 2


The coronavirus pandemic has changed life as we know it. This health crisis is a scary and emotional time for all of us, and it presents unique challenges for the invisible illness community. For this episode of Made Visible, we reached out to past podcast guests to hear how coronavirus is impacting their lives. As we face an era of physical distancing and isolation, we believe it’s more important than ever to connect with our community and hear their stories. And in fact, we heard back from so many past guests that this will be a two part series.

On today’s episode, you’ll hear from:

We want to hear your story, too. Tell us how coronavirus is impacting your life, or anything that’s on your mind as it relates to this topic. To record your audio message, click here. We'll compile these messages into an episode that will be released in the coming weeks. In sharing your story, you remind the people in our community that they are supported and not alone. We’re all in this together, and we look forward to receiving your messages.

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Support for this episode comes from Abridge. Abridge is a free app that helps you capture the details of your care so you can make the most of your next doctor's appointment. In addition to recording conversations with your doctor, it highlights and creates an index of key medical points so you can review them later on. To learn more and download Abridge for free, visit www.abridgeapp.com/madevisible.


Episode #77: Coronavirus 3


Episode #75: Coronavirus