Made Visible Writing Class for Caregivers

Care for Others, Write for Yourself

June-July 2021 Session

The Made Visible Writing Class for Caregivers is a six-week class for those who care for loved ones (family members, friends, and beyond) and who want to explore this experience through writing. Whether you identify with the term “caregiver” or not, this class is for you if you want to write about your role supporting someone as they live with an illness or disability or as they grow older. 

Writing helps us understand our own experiences and share them with others. If you haven’t prioritized yourself because you’re focused on caring for a loved one (whatever that looks like), now is the time to focus on YOU and your untold story in this role. 

This class is for people who identify as beginning writers and are excited about exploring the genre of personal essay. “Beginning” means that some people may be writing about their experience for the first time, while others may have journaled or written drafts of essays before, but they need help figuring out what they really want to say. Others may have written nothing! 

Over the course of six weeks, participants will write, give and receive feedback, and hear from experienced authors and writers about how to write, hone, and publish work. In everything we do, we’ll focus on topics that are specific to writing about caregiving and invisible illness. 

Through our time together, we’ll work to find the story that you don’t just want to tell, you NEED to tell. We’ll reflect on the vulnerability it requires to write about caregiving and lean on our fellow writers for support. Caregiving is a unique experience that comes with its own set of writing challenges--it’s not easy to tell a story that’s interwoven with someone else’s.

Class Schedule

The class will be six weeks from June 9 - July 14 at 6-8pm EST.

What to expect from this class:

  • Connection and community with other caregivers

  • Techniques to hone and refine your writing skills 

  • Intimate conversations with published authors and writers on the caregiving topic

  • Weekly writing prompts to encourage you to write throughout the class

  • Feedback from Harper and your fellow classmates on your writing 

  • Time to focus on you, something you likely don’t do because your main role is caregiving

There are a limited number of spots available to keep the group intimate.

Payments can be made in two installments if necessary. Please email if this is preferable.

A limited number of partial scholarship spots are available for people who need financial support to join the class. Please fill out this form to be considered for a partial scholarship. You are not guaranteed a scholarship by completing this form.

Made Visible Writing Class for Caregivers

Six week course starting June 9th at 6pm EST for caregivers

 Guest Teachers


Susannah Meadows

Kate Washington.png

Kate Washington

Emily Rapp Black.jpg

Emily Rapp Black

Click here to read more about your guest teachers.

 Have questions about this class? Email